A Survival Primer Basic survival skills and techniques applicable to pilots.
Aviation Survival Kits Evaluations of commercially prepared aviation survival kits.
Doug Ritter designed Aviator Survival Paks Premium quality aviation survival kits designed by ETS founder Doug Ritter (opens a new browser window)
Basic Two Person Aviation Survival Kit The equipment and supplies that we think should be included in an aviation survival kit.
Doug's Survival & Medical Kits Lists of contents of ETS publisher and editor Doug Ritter's aviation survival and medical kits and personal-size kits.
Alaskan and Canadian Survival
Kit Regulations for Pilots
Personal / Pocket Size Survival Kit Reviews Evaluations of commercially prepared personal survival kits.
Water or Trees? Given the choice in a forced landing, is it better to choose trees or water? We've got the answer and it might not be as clearcut as you expect.
Ditching How to ditch an aircraft and survive. Includes a number of articles as well as stories of true-life ditchings.
Aviation Life Rafts Evaluations of aviation life rafts.
Aviation Life Vests Evaluations of life vests for use in aircraft.
The Equipped To Survive Home Page Lots more information on survival equipment, supplies, techniques and resources for pilots.
