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Any use of this information for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Mr. Ritter is available for consulting for commercial purposes regarding any of the information included on this Web site. Contact Mr. Ritter for more information.
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The copyright owners will aggressively pursue any copyright infringement and plagiarism to the fullest extent of the law.
Equipped To Survive® and the Equipped To Survive® logo are registered trademarks owned by Douglas S. Ritter and licensed (free of charge) to Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc. for its non-exclusive use.
"The Survival Forum", "Survival Is Life", "Survival is Life - Life is Survival. Any Questions?", "To Survive Or Not To Survive? What A Stupid Question", "The Survival Equipment and Techniques Web Site", "The Outdoors Gear, Survival Equipment and Survival Techniques Web Site", "The definitive source for survival information", "The definitive source for ditching and survival information", "Interactive Survival", "Survival Trivia", "Are You Equipped", "Life Rafts in the Desert", "EquippedCast" in any and all forms are servicemarks and trademarks owned by Douglas S. Ritter and licensed (free of charge) to Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc. for its non-exclusive use. No commercial use whatsoever may be made of these marks without the express written permission of the mark owner.
The following trademark based domains are owned by Douglas S. Ritter and licensed (free of charge) to Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc. for its non-exclusive use. No commercial use whatsoever may be made of these domains without the express written permission of the mark owner:
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The servicemark and trademark owners will aggressively pursue any infringement of the marks to the fullest extent of the law, including use of confusingly similar domains. We have successfully defended our rights in court and will not hesistate to do so again if necessary.
The MP3 audio files and XML files that together comprise an Equipped To Survive EquippedCast podcast are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. All rights to podcast(s) originating from the producer, including the content, are reserved to the producer. Equipped To Survive-hosted podcast(s) are available for personal, academic, noncommercial use only. Audio files may be distributed, downloaded and played on any system for personal, academic, noncommercial purposes, provided that:
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Equipped To Survive® EquippedCast podcasts may be distributed via online podcast directories.
All views expressed are those of the author or speaker, and do not necessarily represent the views of Equipped To Survive® or the Equipped To Survive Foundation.
Individual pages from this Web site may be copied for personal, non-commercial use as long as the text and images are not altered in any way and the title, copyright notice and abbreviated warning & disclaimer are included.
With a few exceptions, we are happy to accommodate teachers who wish to use portions of the Web site for their classroom lessons. Please contact us for permission with a short note explaining what pages you want to use, what for, and the numbers of students that will be using them.
If a portion only of a page is copied, please include the following attribution, warning & disclaimer and copyright information with that text (the warning & disclaimer may be omitted if prior express written permission is received from the copyright holders):
Excerpted from Equipped To Survive® at www.equipped.org
Warning & Disclaimer: SELECT AND USE SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES AND TECHNIQUES AT YOUR OWN RISK. Equipped To Survive® can not attest to or endorse the safety of using any equipment, supplies or services evaluated or referred to therein. Any endorsement or recommendation is limited solely to the evaluator's opinion about their effectiveness when used for their intended purpose in accordance with safe operating procedures, and if available, in accordance with any instructions provided by the manufacturer or supplier. Some survival equipment and supplies, such as, but not limited to, knives and pyrotechnic devices, for example, are inherently unsafe and can injure, maim or kill even when used appropriately. Any survival situation is inherently dangerous and could result in your or any other survivor's injury, maiming or death. Endorsement or recommendation of any equipment, supplies, services or techniques does not constitute a guaranty or warranty the equipment, supplies, services or techniques will function when needed in a survival situation.
Copyright © (insert year as applicable) Douglas S. Ritter & Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
For commercial reprint rights, please contact Doug Ritter
It is the nature of the Internet that there are many useful items that are made freely available for non-commercial use such as icons, images, scripts, as well as the contents of this Web site. We have with appreciation taken various offerings and incorporated them into this Web site. In return, hopefully the information in this Web site will prove valuable to those availing themselves of it. For those items on this Web site that are under copyright protection, we have obtained specific permission from their owners to use them.
However, because of the way things are passed around on the Net, some item or other that we are using may actually have -- unknown to us -- copyright protection. If this should be the case, please contact us so we can either make proper arrangements for the item's use, or remove it from the Web site.
Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
Revision: 021 February 2, 2006
Email to: [email protected]
© 1994 - 2006 Douglas S. Ritter & Equipped To Survive Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Check our Copyright Information page for additional information. |
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