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SHOT Show 2007 Report - LED Flashlights
ETS Contributing Editor Alan Romania

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All prices MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail pricing) as of February, 2007

Adventure Lights


Manufacturer: Adventure Lights Model: Guardian
Body Material: Plastic Body Color(s): Black
Length: 1.625 Width: 1" Height: 1.375" Weight1: 0.7 oz.
Battery Qty: 2 Type: CR2032 Runtime2: 20 hours (steady) - 120 hours (flashing
LED: LED Colors avail: Greeen, Red, Blue, Yellow, White and IR
Lumens Max: N/A Lumens Min: N/A Brightness Levels: 1
Switch Type: Twist on/off Location: Light dome
In Production?: Avalible now MSRP: $15
1 with batteries    2 @ max setting / @ min setting

Adventure Lights offers a number of LED lights designed for signaling and marking locations. The tiny Guardian LED light isn’t the most expensive model in Adventure Lights’ offerings but it is somewhat of their flagship line. The Guardian series of lights is a rather diverse set of seemingly simple lights; a single LED bulb is turned on/off by turning the domed lenses. However, remove and reverse the polarity of the battery and your steady LED light is now a flashing signal light.

The included removable belt clip is the weak point of this light, I have tried to clip mine to a number of items without success. Adventure Lights does offer a number of unique attachment options and accessories (including a water-activation switch). I found that using zip-ties you can secure the light to just about anything you can wrap a zip-tie around.

The Guardian Lights seem to be durable and are rated waterproof to 300 feet, increasing the potental applications of this light.

Blackhawk Products Group/Night-Ops

Blackhawk Products Group’s lighting division, Night-Ops, introduced a number of new LED lights for 2007. While Blackhawk’s focus has historically been on military and law enforcement customers, their 2007 offerings has expanded to find entire product-lines dedicated to other markets. Their lighting line is still primarily oriented towards the tactical user, but a few new lights are obviously designed with the everyday carry user or outdoorsmen in mind.

Sentinel PL1

Manufacturer: Night-Ops Model: Sentinel PL1
Body Material: Anodized Aircraft Grade Aluminium Body Color(s): Black
Length: 3.66" Body Dia: Bezel Dia: 1.10" Weight1: 1.94oz
Battery Qty: 1 Type: CR123A Runtime2: 3 hrs
LED: 1 Watt LED Colors avail: White
Lumens Max: 35 Lumens Min: 35 Brightness Levels: 1
Switch Type: Momentary Push/Constant Click Location: Tailcap
In Production?: Available now MSRP: $100
1 with batteries    2 @ max setting / @ min setting

Night-Ops’ Sentinel PL1 uses a single CR123 battery to produce 35 lumens and 3 hours of run-time. This light is small enough to fit in your pocket for everyday carry. Its pocket clip seemed too short to keep it secure when clipped into a front pants pocket but it held it onto a baseball cap brim perfectly.

Sentinel PL1-AA

Manufacturer: Night-Ops Model: Sentinel PL1-AA
Body Material: Anodized Aircraft Grade Aluminium Body Color(s): Black
Length: 6.3" Body Dia: Bezel Dia: 1.1" Weight1: 3.88oz
Battery Qty: 2/TD> Type: AA Runtime2: 3 hrs
LED: 1 Watt LED Colors avail: White
Lumens Max: 35 Lumens Min: 35 Brightness Levels: 1
Switch Type: Momentary Push/Constant Click Location: Tailcap
In Production?: Avalible now MSRP: $140
1 with batteries    2 @ max setting / @ min setting

Similar to the Sentinel PL1, the Sentinel PL1-AA uses two �AA� batteries to achieve the same performance in a slightly bigger package. This light is a good option for users who want a durable metal-bodied LED light that runs off of �AA� batteries. This version does not come with the pocket clip.

Ally PL-3

Manufacturer:Night-Ops Model:Ally PL-3
Body Material:Anodized Aircraft Grade Aluminium Body Color(s):Black
Length: 5.04" Body Dia: Bezel Dia: 1.1" Weight1:2.46oz
Battery Qty:2/TD> Type:CR123A Runtime2: 4 hrs
LED: 3 Watt LED Colors avail:White
Lumens Max: 65 Lumens Min: 65 Brightness Levels:1
Switch Type: Momentary Push/Constant Click Location: Tailcap
In Production?:Avalible now MSRP: $165
1 with batteries    2 @ max setting / @ min setting

Night-Ops’ Ally PL-3 is both bigger and brighter then the Sentinel at 65 lumens with 4 hours of run-time on a set of two CR123 batteries. The body of the Ally PL-3 has deep, somewhat aggressive checkering. The light was more comfortable in my hand then I thought it would be, but it was difficult to get into and out of my front pants pocket.

Ally PL-3X

Manufacturer:Night-Ops Model:Ally PL-3X
Body Material:Anodized Aircraft Grade Aluminium Body Color(s):Black
Length: 5.04" Body Dia: Bezel Dia: 1.1" Weight1:2.46oz
Battery Qty:2/TD> Type:CR123A Runtime2: 2 hrs (high)-20 hrs (low)
LED: 3 Watt LED Colors avail:White
Lumens Max: 12 Lumens Min: 50 Brightness Levels:2
Switch Type: Bi-level momentary push/twist Location: Tailcap
In Production?:Avalible now MSRP: $170
1 with batteries    2 @ max setting / @ min setting

The Ally PL-3 also has a sister light. The Ally PL-3X is a two-power version of the PL-3. The lights are virtually identical on the outside, but the Ally PL-SX gives the user the option of a low-power output setting of 12 lumens (20 hour run-time) or a high –power setting of 50 lumens (2 hour run-time).



Manufacturer: Brunton Model: L5
Body Material: Plastic Body Color(s): Silver
Length: Width: Height: Weight1: 4 oz.
Battery Qty: 1 Type: 4.5Ah NiMH Rechargable Runtime2: 15 hours (steady) - 50 hours (powersave)
LED:Luxeon K2 LED Colors avail: White
Light Distance Max:246' Lumens Min: N/A Brightness Levels: 3
Switch Type: push button Location: light head
In Production?: Avalible now MSRP: $195
1 with batteries    2 @ max setting / @ min setting

Brunton added to their line of LED headlamps with the 5-watt Luxeon K2 L5. Improving on the performance of the 3-watt L3 Brunton introduced last year, the L5 will illuminate out to 246 feet. Brunton does not rate their lights by lumen output, but this headlamp was far brighter than the flashlight rated at 60 lumens I had with me. The one drawback to the L5 is its use of a rechargeable NiMH battery pack. Brunton states the L5 will run for 15 hours on high power or 50 hours on a lower �powersave� setting. If access to power for recharging is not an issue, the L5 is a great choice if you need a super-bright headlamp. If you need a headlamp that runs on batteries, Brunton’s L3�which runs off of your choice of four �AA� batteries or four �C� batteries�would be a better choice.

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Contributing Editor: Alan Romania
Email: Alan Romania

Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
First Published: February 10, 2007
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