![]() | 406 MHz GPS Enabled Emergency Beacon Evaluation Sponsors |
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The conduct of this evaluation required considerable financial and equipment resources beyond that normally available to the Equipped To Survive Foundation. Sponsorship for the evaluation was solicited, both of financial assistance and of gifts in kind.
The two primary outside financial sponsors were:
BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety & Clean Water (Alexandria, Virginia, USA), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that creates education and outreach campaigns, researches issues and products, and helps boaters and user groups learn specific actions they can take to be safer and better stewards of the environment while boating.
West Marine (Watsonville, California, USA), a major U.S. headquartered, publicly traded marine chandlery chain and purveyor of marine safety equipment, both wholesale and retail. In addition, West Marine hosted the testing logistics out of their headquarters building, provided added logistical support, provided boats and equipment necessary for the marine testing, and assigned two employees to assist for the duration of the testing, as well as additional support both prior to and after the actual field testing.
Additional assistance was provided by:
Mr. Carl Ruhne (Santa Cruz, California, USA) generously donated the use of Willow, a Cal 2-46 ketch, as the �mother ship� for the maritime testing, with Carl captaining the Willow for our time onboard.
Mr. Peter Forey of Sartech Engineering Ltd. (Surrey, United Kingdom) provided the use of two TSR406 406 MHz beacon receivers and graciously agreed to serve as our agent to maintain the chain of custody and to oversee the recoding of the McMurdo beacons in the U.K.
Mr. Robert Dubner of Dubner International, Inc. (Westwood, New Jersey, USA) wrote and donated a computer program to seamlessly translate and capture the data received by the Sartech TSR406 receivers and also provided donated database engineering and analysis services for the data generated by the field testing.
Mr. Bill Street of WS Technologies, Inc. (Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada) donated the use of two BT100A 406 Beacon Testers, as well as his and an employee's services for the duration of the field test to operate the test sets.
The Protection and Survival Laboratory FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA) particpated.
Iridium Satellite, LLC (Arlington, Virginia, USA) donated the use of an Iridium satellite phone and free airtime so that communications could be maintained when out of range of cellular phone service, critical to maintain communications with NOAA in case of COSPAS-SARSAT system anomalies.
Roadrunner Fire & Safety Equipment (Glendale, Arizona, USA) donated hose and fittings for use with our water pump to generate simulated rainfall.
Pentax USA (Golden, Colorado, USA) donated the use of a Pentax Optio 33WR Waterproof Digital Camera
Olympus America Inc. (Melville, New York, USA) donated the use of an Olympus Stylus 300 Waterproof Digital Camera
Stearns, Inc. (Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, USA) donated insulated waterproof waders for use in wading down a creek to place beacons in an otherwise inaccessible gorge.
Concorde Aerosales (Hollywood, Florida, USA) donated the use of Mutifabs Survival Dry Suits and Thermal Protective Undergarments for use during the maritime tests for protection from the cold water.
Equipped To Survive Foundation volunteers who donated their time and considerable efforts:
Dave Foster
Neal Osborn
Michael Adams
Steve White
The Equipped To Survive Foundation also appreciates the cooperation and assistance provided by:
U.S. Air Force Rescue Coordination Center
Publisher and Editor: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
First Published: April 19, 2004
Revision: 01 May 5, 2005
Email to: [email protected]