![]() | Equipped To Survive Foundation 406 MHz GPS Enabled Emergency Beacon Evaluation |
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NOTE: The Equipped To Survive Foundation conducted a second evaluation of 406 MHz Location Protocol (GPS enabled) Emergency (Distress) Beacons (EPIRBs and PLBs) in July, 2005. Click here to go to the Second 406 MHz Location Protocol Distress Beacon Evlauation Report.
In December 2003 and January 2004 the Equipped To Survive Foundation conducted a series of laboratory and real-world performance tests of 406 MHz Location Protocol (GPS enabled) Emergency (Distress) Beacons (EPIRBs and PLBs) in an effort to determine how these beacons would perform in real-world conditions. This evaluation was primarily concerned with the self-locating performance of these beacons in real-world conditions, as well as other lesser issues, and not the beacons' performance vis-à-vis COSPAS-SARSAT or other regulatory standards, per se.
The conduct of this evaluation required considerable financial and equipment resources beyond that normally available to the Equipped To Survive Foundation. Sponsorship for the evaluation was solicited, both of financial assistance and of gifts in kind.
The two primary outside financial sponsors were:
BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety & Clean Water (Alexandria, Virginia, USA), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that creates education and outreach campaigns, researches issues and products, and helps boaters and user groups learn specific actions they can take to be safer and better stewards of the environment while boating.
West Marine (Watsonville, California, USA), a major U.S. headquartered, publicly traded marine chandlery chain and purveyor of marine safety equipment, both wholesale and retail. In addition, West Marine hosted the testing logistics out of their headquarters building, provided added logistical support, provided boats and equipment necessary for the marine testing, and assigned two employees to assist for the duration of the testing, as well as additional support both prior to and after the actual field testing.
Click here for a complete list of sponsors and donors including contributors of equipment and assistance, without which this evaluation could not have been conducted.
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Key West Test participants observing baseline testing of ACR GlobalFix EPIRB |
The bulk of the testing was based at U.S. Coast Guard Group Key West facilities and has come to be referred to as the "Key West Test." In addition to Coast Guard and NOAA representatives, also attending were representatives from NASA, U.S. Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC), COSPAS-SARSAT Secretariat (from the U.K.), and five beacon manufacturers (ACR Electronics, Artex, McMurdo Ltd., Microwave Monolithics, and Techtest Ltd). Also present was Doug Ritter, executive director of the Equipped To Survive Foundation, which provided some logistical support to the organizers as well as serving as an independent observer. As part of the agreement to encourage participation by the manufacturers, all results of the testing have been deidentified and participants agreed not to publicly identify particular beacons or discuss the performance of other manufacturers'real world performance levels be achieved beacons.
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Key West Test participants observing recording of baseline data for McMurdo FastFind Plus PLB |
Retailers report that sales of GPS enabled EPIRBs and PLBs have been very strong, despite incurring a considerable price premium. In interviews they suggest that a significant factor in these sales is the expectation on the part of consumers, based on promotion by the beacon manufacturers, SAR organizations and others, including the Equipped To Survive Foundation, of quicker notification and rescue from their distress circumstances. If the beacons do provide the location data, this is a reasonable expectation. Consumers have been willing to pay a premium of up to 50% for beacons with internal GPS to gain advanced distress alerting capability, which it appeared from the Key West Test results they may not necessarily reliably receive nor receive equally from all manufacturers' beacons.
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Key West Test maritime scenario testing of ACR GlobalFix EPIRB |
Meanwhile, absent any practical means to discriminate among beacons based on performance, consumers are purchasing these beacons that, if the results of the Key West Test were to be believed, do not appear to reliably provide the additional lifesaving benefits that consumers have been led to believe that they will provide, and which consumers have every right to expect to receive, especially so since they are paying a premium for them.
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Key West Test participants observing inland scenario test with obscured sky view |
In part this assumption may have been aided and abetted because it is so difficult and expensive to conduct independent consumer-driven testing. As a result, consumer reporting on distress beacons has been primarily focused on easily distinguished differences in physical design, ergonomics, size, weight, and price and the gross performance differences that have been assumed to exist between various modes of operation, external vs. integral GPS, but not actual tested performance as is the standard for most such reporting.
Assuming the results were valid, the Key West Test suggested that the COSPAS-SARSAT certification testing cannot be relied upon at this time to ensure a comparable minimum level of performance among the various beacons on the market. Again, assuming the results of the Key West testing were valid, neither did it appear that marketplace competition or concerns over liability have encouraged adequate or better real world performance levels to be achieved by all manufacturers.
These apparent performance deficits could have profound and potentially fatal consequences, as well as leaving the industry and COSPAS-SARSAT system open to potentially devastating negative publicity and liability, if a beacon's inadequate self-locating performance resulted in loss of life in circumstances where it would otherwise likely have resulted in a successful rescue due to the advantages that self-location would have been expected to provide.
The Equipped To Survive Foundation determined that there was a need to conduct an independent test of these beacons unrestricted by the limitations imposed upon the participants in the Key West Test, and with results that could be communicated to consumers. Consumers have an expectation that emergency lifesaving equipment will perform exceptionally reliably and to its maximum potential if needed to save their life. Consumers have a need for a means to determine if lifesaving equipment will meet these expectations, and the Equipped To Survive Foundation has a history of testing such equipment in order to provide this independent and unbiased information to consumers.
In addition, government regulators and standards-setting organizations have a need to determine if their regulations and standards designed to ensure minimum acceptable performance of lifesaving equipment in the real world are actually doing so. Such testing would also serve to determine if the performance witnessed in the Key West Test was an anomaly or if these results were reproducible, and therefore, the results validated.
The following 406 MHz beacon manufacturers who offer GPS enabled beacons were invited to participate on the basis that they either were currently offering their EPIRBs and PLBs for sale in the U.S. or were anticipated to do so in the near future:
Techtest Ltd. (Herefordshire, United Kingdom - a subsidiary of HR Smith Group, United Kingdom), who offer their PLB as a Survival ELT (aviation Emergency Locator Transmitter) or as a military PLB in the U.S., not as an FCC-approved PLB, and were therefore not originally invited, requested to participate.
Microwave Monolithics and SERPE-IESM declined to participate and since their GPS-enabled PLBs were not yet available for sale in the U.S. and were unobtainable by the organizers, they were not tested.
Due to financial constraints and considering that Techtest was not a significant factor in the consumer marketplace due to its high price and limited distribution as a survival ELT, Techtest was advised that we would be unable to include their beacons in the evaluation. They countered with an offer to finance their inclusion in the testing. After consultation with the primary sponsors, it was agreed that they would be allowed to participate if they paid the pro rata portion of the anticipated added cost of testing their beacon. They agreed and were included in the evaluation. The Techtest GPS PLB is a derivative of their 500-12 non-GPS military derived PLB/ELT to their latest build standard and not off-the-shelf. This should be taken into account in any comparison. This beacon was unique in offering a 243 MHz military homing frequency and two-way voice communications on 121.5/243 MHz.
In order to ensure that the consumer beacons tested were representative of those being purchased by consumers, West Marine supplied ACR and McMurdo beacons from their stock for the test, but expected to either be reimbursed by the Foundation or for these beacons to be replaced. Due to the prohibitively high cost of the beacons, even at wholesale approximately $18,500 for the ACR beacons and $17,500 for the McMurdo beacons, the manufacturers were offered the opportunity to participate in the evaluation in exchange for their providing the beacons to be tested. No matter their response, it was the organizers' intention to test the ACR and McMurdo beacons, and initial fundraising goals were based on the presumption that they would not participate and the beacons would have to be paid for.
Those manufacturers who elected to participate would be required by agreement to either provide beacons for testing (9 EPIRBs and 15 PLBs of each model to be tested) in the case of those not readily available in the U.S., Techtest being the only one, or to replace beacons already obtained from West Marine and sequestered by the Foundation, the case with ACR and McMurdo. An agreement with the Foundation was signed by all participating manufacturers outlining requirements and responsibilities of the parties.
Quoting Chris Hoffman, Technical Director of McMurdo, "I believe that the biggest stumbling block is the Personal Liability Waiver, with the Confidentiality Agreement being a secondary issue. I have spoken to our parent company and they still will not let us sign the waiver, I guess that USA and UK laws and liabilities, which I don't for a minute purport to understand, are different enough to create the problems. So how does this sound as a way forward, we have very nearly agreed the Main Agreement between us and are almost in a position where we would be happy to sign this, if we could sort out the last outstanding minor legal issue. However nobody from McMurdo would attend the trials as a witness as I am sure that you already have enough 'experts' and independent witnesses to cover anything that needs doing anyway. This then removes the issues with the Personal Liability Waiver and Confidentiality Agreement." The Foundation agreed to this proposal and McMurdo did not have a representative present for the tests. ACR and Techtest did send representatives.
Pursuant to the agreements with the manufacturers as another inducement to participate, these manufacturers have also be given a preview of the draft report and were invited to offer a response if desired.
Invitations were also sent out to numerous Search and Rescue-related organizations to particpate or serve as independent observers. NOAA sent a technical representative. The AFRCC originally agreed to send a representative, but canceled at the last minute, reportedly due to a scheduling conflict. While U.S. Coast Guard headquarters and the Office of Search and Rescue declined to participate, the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Aviation Engineering authorized the Aviation Life Support Equipment Manager and Aviation Life Support Prime Unit Manager to participate. FAA sent a technical representative.
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ACR representative re-codes an ACR GlobalFix EPIRB to test protocol code onsite with other attendees as witnesses |
Ideally, it would be desirable to test multiple distress beacons of each model in each scenario. The larger sample size would serve to mitigate the effects of a random failure that might not be typical. The high cost of the distress beacons, particularly in view of the uncertainty as to whether beacon manufacturers would participate, and thus mitigate the purchase of the beacons at significant expense, made this approach prohibitive.
By the same token, it is generally accepted that lifesaving equipment must be exceptionally reliable. Because failure can be fatal, consumers have a reasonable expectation that lifesaving equipment will work the first time, every time. Lifesaving equipment failure is not considered an option by the consumer. As such, any beacon failure must be considered unacceptable and this mitigates the potential adverse effects of testing only a single distress beacon of each model in each scenario.
The time necessary to conduct the testing also limited the number of beacons that could be tested, as well as the number and scope of the scenarios to be evaluated. Time available also impacted the actual conduct of the testing when failure to acquire location more often than expected required on-scene modification of the testing in order to ensure completion within the available time. Additional time also translates to additional financial costs, not only for the evaluators, but also for the support personnel and organizations and the manufacturers who participated. The full week spent testing was the practical limit, and even then some participants had to cut their attendance short.
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Re-coding of McMurdo Precision GPS EPIRB to test protocol code at the McMurdo factory. McMurdo rejected doing the re-coding onsite, necessitating shipment to and from the U.K. |
These distress beacons are meant to be used in extremis, often under the least favorable conditions of weather and, in the case of marine use, extreme sea conditions, often the cause for their necessary use by survivors. This evaluation was, for both practical and safety reasons, limited as to what tested environmental conditions could be experienced. Weather conditions were mild. Rainfall or exposure to drenching amounts of water in a marine environment was simulated for some scenarios, but was moderate, at worst, compared to what might conceivably be experienced under real life-threatening circumstances. Sea conditions varied from moderate, but unchallenging, at their worst to virtually dead flat seas at times, as noted in the scenario reports. Any failures must be viewed in this light, but the ultimate value of success in these tests must also be tempered by these limitations.
When reviewing the results presented here, care must be taken not to compare performance without consideration for the manifest differences between some beacons. Those beacons relying upon an external GPS source are fundamentally different in both operation and packaging to those having an internal GPS source. These differences must be taken into consideration when evaluating the performance of the beacons (they will be enumerated later on in this report).
The results presented here are for tests of particular beacons. Readers of this report are cautioned that due to the complex interactions involved, it can be potentially erroneous to extend the self-location results for any particular beacon to any beacons not tested. Any difference in GPS chip, software, GPS antenna and relationship between the GPS antenna and transmitting antenna could produce different results.
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Doug Ritter (right), with FAA/CAMI representative Jerry McDown, sets up monitoring computers and receivers for Baseline phase of tests. |
This evaluation was primarily concerned with the self-locating performance of these beacons in real-world conditions, as well as a limited specific set of other lesser issues, and not the beacons' performance vis-à-vis COSPAS-SARSAT or other regulatory standards, per se, nor for the most part any other specific performance parameters of the beacons except those few others specifically included.
Beacons were divided into types; EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon, a marine distress beacon) or PLB (Personal Locator Beacon for personal use on land or in the maritime environment), by whether they used an external GPS source or an internal GPS source for self-location, and by whether they were off-the-shelf consumer beacons or a military derived PLB/ELT (aviation Emergency Locator Transmitter). While no beacon tested performed flawlessly, there were clear distinctions in self-locating performance among beacons during the evaluations. All the beacons tested appear to provide the minimum acceptable level of distress alerting performance expected from conventional, non-location protocol 406 MHz emergency beacons.
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Beacons for lab testing ready to go. |
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Rainfall testing of McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB in screen room during laboratory testing. |
(Please note that the terms "success" and "fail" in these tables refers to the acquisition of a GPS-derived location and is not indicative of the 406 MHz alerting performance of the beacons.)
Baseline Scenario Description |
Satellites in view and locked on per Garmin eTrex GPS Success or Failure to acquire a GPS location within 35 minutes2 Time to acquisition if location was acquired in minutes:seconds |
ACR RapidFix EPIRB1 |
ACR GlobalFix EPIRB |
McMurdo Precision EPIRB |
McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB |
Techtest 500-27 PLB4 |
On jetty with expansive sky view and horizon |
6 Success 0:52 |
6 Success 1:31 |
6 Success 3:04 |
7 Success 0:54 |
6 Success 27:25 |
7 Success 3:31 |
Relocation to beach with expansive sky view and horizon2 |
7 Success NA |
7 Success NA |
6 Success NA |
7 Success NA |
7 Fail3 NA |
7 Success NA |
On jetty with expansive sky view and horizon, sprayed with water to simulate moderate rain. |
7 Success 0:59 |
6 Success 2:03 |
7 Success 5:32 |
---- |
---- |
---- |
1 External GPS source Garmin eTrex Legend– Add �up to 5 minutes� to acquisition time for a GPS cold start with this GPS 2 For the relocation scenario, the beacons were hand-carried to a new location 400 yards distant to determine if the new location was acquired and transmitted at the 20-minute location update cycle. 3 The McMurdo Fastfind Plus was allowed to remain on through 2 20-minute cycles at relocated position and failed to update location. 4 Paid for inclusion in evaluation |
Maritime Scenario Description |
Conditions Seas, Skies |
Satellites in view and locked on per Garmin eTrex GPS Success or Failure to acquire a GPS location within 35 minutes Time to acquisition if location was acquired in minutes:seconds |
ACR RapidFix EPIRB1 |
ACR GlobalFix EPIRB |
McMurdo Precision EPIRB |
McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB |
Techtest 500-27 PLB5 |
On aft deck of vessel, under mizzen boom |
8 ft. swells with waves, partly overcast |
4 Success 1:18 |
6 Success 6:28 |
5 Fail NA |
4 Success 0:59 |
7 Fail NA |
6 Success 16:14 |
In water tethered to Rigid Inflatable Boat |
8 ft, swells with waves, partly overcast |
6+ Success 1:16 |
6+ Success 4:25 |
6+ Fail NA |
---- |
---- |
---- |
In water tethered to Rigid Inflatable Boat with simulated rain/spray |
8 ft, swells with waves, partly overcast |
Invalid Activation3 |
6+ Fail NA |
6+ Fail NA |
---- |
---- |
---- |
Held by swimmer in water with swimmer tethered to Rigid Inflatable Boat |
2-3 ft, swells with waves, clear |
---- |
---- |
---- |
8 Success 0:57 |
6-8 Fail NA |
7 Success 1:51 |
Secured on simulated swimmer (inflated swimmer's vest) in water tethered to Rigid Inflatable Boat with simulated rain/spray |
2-3 ft, swells with 0.5 ft. wind chop, clear |
---- |
---- |
---- |
6 Success 0:44 |
7-8 Fail NA |
5-8 Success 7:00 |
In 6-person life raft, canopy open |
2-3 ft, swells with 0.5 ft. wind chop, clear |
8 Success 1:00 |
7 Success 1:58 |
7 Fail NA |
8 Success 1:00 |
7 Fail NA |
9 Fail NA |
In 6-person life raft canopy closed |
2-3 ft, swells with calm surface, clear |
Presumptive Success2 |
11 Success 1:29 |
Presumptive Fail4 NA |
Presumptive Success2 |
Presumptive Fail4 NA |
Presumptive Fail4 NA |
In 6-person life raft canopy closed, simulated rain |
2 ft, swells with glassy surface, clear |
Presumptive Success2 |
11 Success 1:40 |
Presumptive Fail4 NA |
Presumptive Success2 |
Presumptive Fail4 NA |
Presumptive Fail4 NA |
In water floating free |
1-2 ft, swells with glassy surface, clear |
---- |
---- |
11 Success 4:23 |
---- |
---- |
---- |
1 External GPS source Garmin eTrex Legend – Add �up to 5 minutes� to acquisition time for a GPS cold start with this GPS 2 Presumed success due to the Garmin eTrex Legend GPS having acquired a location. 3 External GPS was not held under water spray when activated 4Presumed failure as eliminated due to failure to acquire under less difficult acquisition circumstances in the same overall scenario 5 Paid for inclusion in evaluation |
Inland Scenario Description |
Satellites in view and locked on per Garmin eTrex GPS Success or Failure to acquire a GPS location within 35 minutes Time to acquisition if location was acquired in minutes:seconds |
McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB |
Techtest 500-27 PLB6 |
Large meadow, hill top, interrupted tree line |
7 Success 1:14 |
5 Success 4:44 |
7 Fail2 NA |
Small clearing, solid tree line |
4 Success 0:50 |
4 Fail NA |
4 Success3 2:31 |
On jetty with expansive sky view and horizon, sprayed with water to simulate moderate rain. |
7 Success 0:53 |
7 Fail NA |
7 Success 10:41 |
Under forest canopy, no location on Garmin eTrex |
Fail NA |
Fail NA |
Fail NA |
Under forest canopy, no location on Garmin eTrex |
Fail NA |
Fail NA |
Fail NA |
Hidden from GPS satellite for initial start-up period, cover removed to allow GPS acquisition at 20 minute update |
Not Tested4 |
8 Fail5 NA |
8 Success 1:03 |
The scenarios below were not specifically designed to test the location protocol capability of the beacon, as it was not expected that they would acquire a location. A lack of acquisition is not a technical failure, but success of the integral GPS is noted as a useful GPS performance data point. |
Laying on side, antenna parallel to ground – beach location |
GEOS satellite Presumptive Success7 LEO sat Doppler Location First Pass |
GEOS satellite Unlocated Success LEO Doppler Location First Pass |
6+ (not recorded) Success 2nd Data Burst 2:00 (estimated) |
Laying on side, antenna tip grounded – small clearing, solid tree line |
GEOS satellite Presumptive Success7 LEO sat Doppler Location First Pass |
GEOS satellite Unlocated Success LEO Doppler Location First Pass |
4 Success 3rd data burst 3:00 (estimated) |
In narrow and deep rock gorge – only 1-2 GPS satellites visible |
GEOS satellite Unlocated Success LEO sat No data8 |
GEOS satellite Unlocated Success LEO sat Doppler Location Second Pass |
GEOS sat Unlocated Success LEO sat Doppler Location Second Pass |
1 External GPS source Garmin eTrex Legend – Add �up to 5 minutes� to acquisition time for a GPS �� cold start with this GPS 2 Anomalous failure caused by internal disconnect of GPS antenna from GPS chip, fixed for �� production per manufacturer 3 Initial self-test failure, per protocols battery replaced in lieu of beacon, further investigation revealed that � instruction manual details remedy for passivated battery 4 External GPS enabled beacon does not allow for updated location per COSPAS-SARSAT 5 Allowed to run uncovered for 35 minutes through a second 20-minute update cycle 6 Paid for inclusion in evaluation 7 Presumed success due the Garmin eTrex Legend GPS having acquired a location 8 No LEO satellite data in logs is an inexplicable anomaly that is being investigated as LEO reception �� failure at approx. 600 miles altitude does not make any sense with GEO sat reception at 22,300 miles altitude. |
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Recording number of satellites in view, signal strength and location just prior to activating the McMurdo Precision GPS EPIRB in the baseline tests. |
The beacons tested that do not have an internal GPS receiver are dependent upon an external GPS for self-location information. The reference GPS used for testing was a Garmin eTrex Legend, chosen because it is a WASS-enabled mid-range member of the most popular moderate priced portable handheld GPS line sold in the U.S. and because the manufacturer of the beacons tested, ACR Electronics, at various times has offered units from this line of handheld GPS as a package with their beacons, the ACR GyPSI 406 PLB and ACR SatFind 406 EPIRB. Our experience suggests that this GPS offers mediocre performance in comparison with better quality, and often more expensive, GPS receivers which were able to reliably acquire a location in circumstances when the Garmin eTrex did not. In these instances, had the beacons been interfaced with the better performing GPS, they would have been able to transmit a location. The self-locating performance of these beacons is entirely dependent upon the quality of the GPS chosen by the user for the interface.
In the case of beacons using an external GPS source, the external GPS was turned off and the activation sequence initiated by turning on the GPS co-located with the beacon. It was logistically impracticable to achieve a full cold start of the GPS, but this ensured that the GPS was not transmitting a location achieved under more favorable conditions than those of the beacons with integral GPS. The warm start would be a likely scenario for PLB use in the wilderness, as the GPS would be expected to have been used for navigation within a short period of time of its use to interface with the beacon. For external GPS EPIRBs mounted on a boat and permanently interfaced with the boat's GPS this would not be a factor at all. For a cold start using an external GPS, the typical cold start time to location acquisition can be derived experimentally or from the manufacturer. In the case of the Garmin eTrex Legend reference GPS used in this evaluation, this would add "up to 5 minutes" according the manufacturer's literature.
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Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer uses fire hose to simulate rainfall on Techtest 500-27 GPS PLB |
By contrast, the McMurdo Fastfind 406 PLB and McMurdo Precision 406 GPS EPIRB generally failed to provide location information except under ideal conditions. Even in scenarios where there were strong signals from 4 or more GPS satellites, and often 6 or more, as shown on the Garmin eTrex GPS, these beacons failed to provide a location unless the sky view was virtually unimpeded over the full hemisphere and there was little or no movement of the beacon due to the motion of the water, in the case of the testing on and in the water. (In theory, a GPS receiver is capable of deriving a longitude and latitude with 3 satellites in view and locked on and all commercial units that the authors are familiar with will do so reliably.)
In the maritime testing, the McMurdo beacons failed to acquire a location in any of the planned test scenarios, effectively a total failure in the marine environment. The only acquisition, by the McMurdo Precision 406 GPS EPIRB, occurred when it was specially provided a unique opportunity under virtually ideal conditions with only the slightest swells and a glassy water surface.
In the baseline testing, the McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB was the only integral GPS beacon that failed to acquire a new location after being moved, despite being provided an extra opportunity -- two 20-minute update cycles.
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Measuring McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB 121.5 MHz homing signal attenuation with base of antenna submerged |
The field test portion of the evaluation was divided into three distinct phases: Baseline, Maritime, and Inland, with the results summarized in the tables that follow:
Lab testing of battery life at the PLBs' minimum operating temperatures, -20°C/-4°F for the McMurdo Fastfind Plus and Techtest 500-27 and -40°C/-40°F for the ACR GyPSI exceeded the minimum required 24 hours by a notable margin.
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Doug Ritter prepares to activate Techtest 500-27 GPS PLB on aft deck of SV Willow |
The Coast Guard noted in its test plan that their studies "indicated that the beacons radiated power is extremely degraded by the presence of water in the antenna well." This conforms to our laboratory test findings in this regard. They conducted field tests to ascertain if this impacted the effectiveness of the beacons to provide an alert and Doppler derived location under operational conditions. Among the "lessons learned" presented in their report was that "when any amount of water is allowed to collect in the antenna storage well the signal is degraded and may prevent the COSPAS/SARSAT system from receiving the transmitted signal. After activation, boat crew members shall make every effort to keep the PEPIRB out of the water, the antenna and antenna storage well as dry as possible and the PEPIRB oriented so that the antenna has an unobstructed view of the sky." This conforms to our Conclusions and Recommendations in this regard (see Conclusion #7 and Recommendation #12).
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BoatU.S. Foundation President Ruth Woods looks on as Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers simulate rainfall/ocean spray on ACR GlobalFix EPIRB |
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Inland testing in "small" forest clearing |
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Inland testing in large meadow, self-test of McMurdo Fastfind Plus PLB. |
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McMurdo Fastfind PLB antenna storage well with retained water |
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Doug Ritter prepares the ACR GyPSI PLB for "lay down" testing where antenna will be gounded |
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Thumbs up indicates self-test transmission received on test receivers and ready to commence test. |
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View of overhead forest canopy at obscured forest test location. None of the PLBs acquired a GPS location in this test. Better quality handheld GPS receivers did. |
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Gorge with narrow sky view for doppler locating test. PLBs were situated on rock bar to left |
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Calm conditions at the conclusion of the beacon tests conducted inside the life raft shortly before the only successful GPS location acquisition by a McMurdo beacon during the maritime scenario testing, the Precision EPIRB adrift in the water |
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Preparing to test inside the life raft. McMurdo Precision EPIRB on floor in center |
Better Standards Will Make Better Emergency Beacons - Equipped to Survive Foundation's Doug Ritter has been very active working to promote changes in standards to ensure better 406 MHz emergency beacons in the future. Click here to read his Status Report on these efforts and to see how you can help.
NOTE: The Equipped To Survive Foundation conducted a second evaluation of 406 MHz Location Protocol (GPS enabled) Emergency (Distress) Beacons (EPIRBs and PLBs) in July, 2005. Click here to go to the Second 406 MHz Location Protocol Distress Beacon Evlauation Report.
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Doug Ritter, Executive Director of Equipped To Survive Foundation, organizer and director of these tests and author of the report, has had an ongoing professional and journalistic relationship with most 406 MHz beacon manufacturers for some time, with manufacturers providing "dummy" beacons for display and photographic purposes. At various industry events, beacon manufacturers' representatives have treated Mr. Ritter to meals. Both ACR Electronics and McMurdo Ltd. have provided PLBs for Mr. Ritter to give away as door prizes during unpaid survival equipment presentations promoting 406 MHz PLB usage to various consumer groups. Mr. Ritter has, from time to time, recommended beacons from all the tested manufacturers to consulting clients and at times the beacons have been purchased via his contacts with the manufacturers or a manufacturer's distributor.
The Equipped To Survive Foundation has in the past received 10% of sales of both ACR and McMurdo PLBs made on the GetRescued.net retail web site operated by Pulver Technologies, Inc., which also hosts the Equipped To Survive web site. Dave Pulver is the majority partner in Pulver Technologies and is a director of the Equipped To Survive Foundation.
BoatU.S. Foundation has received price consideration from ACR for beacons purchased for their EPIRB rental program.
West Marine has sold both ACR and McMurdo beacons and other products produced by these companies. West Marine is an authorized service center for ACR.
Executive Director: Doug Ritter
Email: Doug Ritter
First Published: April 19, 2004
Revision: 05 November 10, 2005
Email to: [email protected]